Every parent wants his or her child to live a healthy life and be a winner. Parenthood is such a magnificent journey, but the tiniest of ailments to the child feel heart wrenching to a parent. Imagine the plight of those parents whose children are born with life threatening conditions. They are faced with mountainous tasks – finding the right doctors, organising routine visits and checkups, being constantly vigilant, and living in the shades of fear – all become part of life.
In this advertisement, Microsoft beautifully captures the story of one such parents and their child. Microsoft’s creative team has used baby Winston’s story to not just touch the chords of the audience’s hearts, but is able to promote app features in a very subtle way.

Winston was born with half a heart, accompanied by high pulse and no weight gain. The risk was very high and chances of his survival grim. After his surgeries, he needed constant monitoring and follow ups. Winston’s parents got immense support from the Mercy app. They were able to stay connected with the doctors from the comfort of their home, sending reports and videos of the baby followed by diagnosis and prognosis. It was due to this app that the doctors could see when Winston didn’t look quite alright, and were able to provide timely treatment that saved his life.
In the form of this app, Microsoft has offered convenience to parents, a tool of instant communication, information to handle critical situations, ability to build strong bond with the doctor, and most importantly, hope to parents of a child suffering with critical illness.