Junior doctors were the height of sartorial elegance when they arrived at work in walkshorts, knee high socks and, tragically, sandals.
First year doctors held their annual Walkshort Wednesday at Taranaki Base Hospital on Wednesday.

The proud tradition started more than 10 years ago when a group of junior doctors found a photo of the consultants taken when they were junior doctors, Dr Nick Jenkins said.
“And they were all wearing shorts and jandals and looking very trendy.”
Since then junior doctors, as well as registrars and consultants, have been dressing up in clothing last worn by public servants in the 1970s.
It’s held at the end of junior doctors’ first year, Jenkins said.
“A lot of us will stay on, but we have a set first year.”
As a moustache goes well with the outfits they are tying it in with Movember, he said.
“A lot of the guys are doing Movember so we’re raising money for that cause as well.”
The patients love the outfits, he said.
“They think we look very trendy.”
Jenkins said the first year doctors had been to op shops and the Salvation Army to find their retro threads.
“Consultants just use their own wardrobe.”
via Junior doctors at Taranaki Base Hospital bring walkshorts back in fashion for a day | Stuff.co.nz.