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The Most Prestigious Award That Reaches Patients Where It Really Matters – Online & Social Media!

Doctors Patch “Top Doctors – NJ” Award brings you recognition and trust among millions of digital patients. It matters because search for a new physician always begins online.

Apply Here - It's Free!

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CITY - you can add more than one (required)

MESSAGE (optional)

Having Problems Applying?

You can also apply by sending an email to [email protected]. Please mention that you had problems applying online, and include the above information.
Doctors Patch Logo

The Most Prestigious Award That Reaches Patients Where It Really Matters – Online & Social Media!


Doctors Patch “Top Doctors – NJ” Award brings you recognition and trust among millions of digital patients. It matters because search for a new physician always begins online.

Apply Here - It's Free!

FULL NAME (required)

EMAIL (required)

PHONE (required)

CITY - you can add more than one (required)

MESSAGE (optional)

Having Problems Applying?

You can also apply by sending an email to [email protected]. Please mention that you had problems applying online, and include the above information.

About Top Doctors Award Program

The ‘Top Doctors’ award that is admired by peers and trusted by patients!

Doctors Patch ‘Top Doctors’ award program is one of the most prestigious awards given to physicians who have an outstanding track record of medical practice success. Our research team picks Top Doctors using a ranking methodology that ensures no bias towards specific physicians, and balances every aspect of physician success.

Award Benefits

  • Reach and establish trust with millions of patients, and the physician community, via our owned and partner publications
  • Your profile published on Doctors Patch and our sister Top Doctors sites targeted to patients in your area
  • Award news published and shared on more than 65 websites and social media accounts with total distribution of over 5+ Million
  • Inclusion in a highly coveted list of Top Doctors in your area, and nationally

Selection Process

  • Our research team does the heavy lifting of analyzing and ranking physicians based on 30+ success attributes
  • Our ranking process focuses on balancing all aspects of a physician practice, and ensures unbiased rankings
  • NOT a popularity contest – whether you are a single-person practice or work for a large hospital, it does not matter
  • We do not accept payments in any form to include specific physicians

Next Steps

  • Our research team will review all applications, and select the Top Doctors based on defined criteria
  • If selected, Top Doctors award winners will be notified in the following months
  • We will reach out to winners to ask for complete profile information, and to ensure we have the correct details to spread the news on all digital and print channels
  • Winners can promote news on digital channels and reach new patients via highly targeted distribution

About Doctors Patch

Doctors Patch is a top publication and goto source for physicians. We are a physician community that is helping peers lead a successful, healthy and fun-filled lifestyle. With workload and stress increasing every year, physicians are struggling to cope. We are committed to providing information that helps physicians make smarter and informed decisions about their lifestyle.

We also run programs that help doctors successfully grow their practice, and build patient trust. One such program is ‘Top Doctors’ award.